Is Procera AVH Right For You?

Procera AVH cognitive enhancer claims to help you concentrate better and improve on your memory. The following article talks more in detail about it and how it may be able to help you:

Where Did Procera AVH Come From?

The company that made this product, Brain Research Labs was co-founded by Joshua Reynolds and Robert Heller,MD. They claim to have over 40 years of experience working in the field of cognitive research and finding ways to improve your brain health and performance. They have specialized in working with neuroscientists and neurosurgeons to find the best natural solutions to increasing mental performance.

Through 20 years of research they came up with Procera AVH. They believe that  the average adult brain is deficient when it comes to the right amount of oxygen, vital nutrients and neuro transmitters. This results in mental fatigue and a lack of focus.

What Are The Benefits Of Procera AVH

Procera AVH claims to use a proprietary blend of ingredients that provide the following benefits:

  • Increases your ability to learn new information and recall
  • Sharpens your mental quickness
  • Keeps you more aleart and boosts your mental sharpness
  • Elevates your overall self confidence and your mood
  • Diminishes feelings of anxiety and Stress
  • Improves your concentration and focus

How Does Procera AVH Work?

Procera AVHThere are three main ingredients in Procera AVH memory supplement that enable the makers to make these claims.

Vinpocetine(VIN) is a compound that is derived from vincamine. Vinamine is an all natural extract that comes from the periwinkle flower. It’s found to increase vascular blood flow to the brain which in turn sends more nutrients, oxygen , glucose al to the brain.

Over a span of 30 years the maker claims that research has found VIN to be linked to improving memory and brain processing speed.  It also boosts your brain’s glucose metabolism and the generatoin of a form of cellular energy which can also increase the brains energy. Other affects are an improvement in mood and other mental functions.

VIN has also been shown to be a neuroprotective agent which as a powerful antioxidant can protect against the decrease in brain circulation and oxygen that inevitably comes with age.

Huperzine A (HUP) is a natural acetylcholinesterasa inhibitor. This is an enzyme that destroys acetylcholine.  The more acetylcholine you have in your brain, the more your brain is more likely to be alert, attentive, and open to learning and thinking.It’s an ingredient that has also been shown to protect your brain cells from free radicals.

Acetyl-l-carnitine is a molecule that’s naturally found in the body and the brain but its production decreases with age. You get it mainly through fish and meat, but you’d have to eat many pounds of meat daily to get the right amount for optimal brain health.  This molecule is said to help increase the blood flow in the brain and increase the levels of glutathione, which is perhaps one of the brain’s most important anti-oxidant and immune  defense enzymes.

The makers claim that Procera AVH has been clinically tested in randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials in a neurocognitive research university in Australia called the Brain Sciences Institute. The researches found that there were “near significant” or “significant” improvements in mood, concentration, memory, mental clarity, and mental vigor.


What Are People Saying About Procera AVH?

Here are some excerpts of testimonials of people that have used Procera AVH:

“…I feel a lot sharper and more alert, and have more energy in the evening than I use to. My friends have also noticed the positive changes in me. Even my libido is going strong again!I have also taken up the guitar, started painting and signed up for a creative writing workshop…” -Richard G.(73) (Testimony From Official Website)

He states that he’s gained an energy boost that he hadn’t had in a long time. Even better he’s been able to start taking on new creative tasks that he’s always wanted to do.

“Being 60 years old my mind was slowing down. Out of desperation, I tried Procera AVH. After about a week I noticed I had beaten the blues! My brain was able to find words in a flash, and I just felt like a different person. Now I wake up, jump out of bed in a good mood. It sounds corny but it’s a miracle. Now my memory and self-confidence are back, and my mood is up and steady. It’s great!…” –Barbara D(60)(Testimony From Official Website)

She’s happy with the fact that now she looks forward to her days and is in a more upbeat mood.

“…I’d lose my thought in the middle of a sentence. I couldn’t remember a friend’s name when they came up to me.
Procera AVH gave me back the focus, clarity and energy that I needed to overcome the stress and regain control of my life. Actually, Procera gave me back my life!” –Suzy S(45) (Testimony From Official Website)

She was overwhelmed with her daily activities and the stresses of life. She claims that with Procera AVH she was able to win back her focus and get not let life overwhelm her.

What Are The Side Effects?

The maker claims that there are no serious side effects if the medication is taken as recommended. However, there are things you should take into account before ingesting this medication. It’s recommended you take a capsule three times a day after a meal.

You should avoid taking the medication on an empty stomach since it may upset you. Also do not take it if you’re experiencing a headache.
If you find yourself taking medications or with a pre existing condition it’s suggested that you speak with a physician before you take Procera AVH.

This product is best taken when you’re sure you have no serious medical conditions or aren’t taking medication but you have an overall feeling of mental sluggishness and need an extra boost.

Where Can I Buy Procera AVH?

If you plan on buying Procera AVH as of the time of this writing there is a special discounted price of 39.95 per box with shipping and handling. You buy 2 boxes and you get 1 free. Beware of websites that offer lower discounts as they may not have the official product.

The official website is  When you purchase you get a three month’s supply and a 90 day money back guarantee. They also throw in some bonuses with more information about your brain health and what you can do to keep your brain as young and healthy as possible.

Do You Recommend Procera AVH?

As in all nutritional supplements, it’s always good to check with your doctor especially if you have many health problems. Notwithstanding, if you are in general good health we would recommend Procera AVH memory booster if you’re looking to get out of that mental malaise that comes with the repetitive stresses of life.

Click Here To Start Enhancing Your Mental Performance With Procera AVH From The Official Site

Posted in Supplement Reviews